General Music Standards

Syllabus. Portfolios due Oct 6, 2023

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The learning portfolio will document the process and student work related to the 2014 NCCAS

Music Standards.

Teachers will be required to:

  1. Write and implement three lesson plans based on the music form presented. Teachers should use the Lesson Plan template from the Essential Arts Toolkit for the Classroom Teacher: Hawaii Fine Arts Grade Level Guide Supplement to the Hawaii Department of Educational Arts.
  2. Keep a reflection journal that contains three entries, one for each lesson plan. Each entry will describe successful aspects of the lesson, surprises encountered, and changes to be made the next time the lesson is presented.
  3. Collect nine examples of student work, at least three per lesson. Examples should show student performance levels (e.g., advanced, proficient, approaching, and novice.) An instructional map template will be provided for teachers to include student work with commentary, assessment tasks, and instructional strategies for improving work.
  4. Include examples of students reflecting on the effects of the lessons for each of the nine examples of student work. For younger students, this can be in the form of teachers quoting students.

This PD application accurately reflects the course content and implementation. The instructor

will deliver the course content as specified in this application. The sponsor and instructor will

ensure quality portfolios, review all portfolios, and request revisions as necessary. This application includes the timeline, including how and when post-event activities will be completed. The instructor will support participants in making ongoing adjustments to their learning as needed and provide "coaching" support by the instructor during the implementation of new learning/strategies.

Microsoft Word Document 42.5 KB
Lesson Plan Template
Unit and Lesson Template, 2nd ed 2010.d
Microsoft Word Document 58.5 KB