Fun with English Language Immersion and American Culture  浸入式快乐英语及美国文化体验营

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Dr. Chet-Yeng Loong, Professor of Music, Chair of the Music Education area at the University of Hawai`i.

Miss Donna Guhde, President of IMPEL TRAINING.

Mrs. BethAnn Hepburn, American Orff certified instructor


RM 900 (Big Apple students); RM 1200 (non-Big Apple students). Fees include materials, t-shirt, lunches, certificate.

Early Bird registration: Nov. 19, RM 1000 (non- Big Apple students)


Kinta Riverfront: 05-254-6388

Tiger Lane: 05-254-6685

Pengkalan: 05-321-8888

Bercham: 05-545-3869

First Garden: 05-528-6322